Monday, October 25, 2010

News media won't question Republicans on jobs for Americans

With less than one week, the national news networks and Cable News Network have not asked the main question that most Americans have first of their nine how is the Republican Party in the agenda.  They are trying to explain to the American news media that has been little or no mention of job creation of manufacturing or green jobs by the Republican candidates or their tea party surrogates.  It has been a steady onslaught of what the Democrats are doing to this country.  The general public has been put into a coma by the Republican candidates and the news media.  We have heard more about social issues and about the social behavior of candidates no focus has been given to the core issue in this election.  The president speaks about job creation the news media continue to distort or even mislead to the public the message from the Democratic base for nearly 24 long months, the Democratic Congress has fought tooth and nail with the Republican Party.  To try and move this economy forward, but it seems as though those who live in middle America.  I mean the farm belt or the Bible Belt has not learned from the last eight years of downturn under the hero George W and the Republican that was in charge of this country that they had been taken for a ride by a party of carpetbaggers that is now asking middle America to hand them the keys to the bank again, the Republican Party and its foreign interests has no interest in middle America or the Bible Belt on the social issues they are merely playing on your weaknesses and fears that you yourself have created human beings have one weakness that they can't escape when they start believing something they stop thinking for themselves believe is good, but always go with what you see with your own eyes when you see the Republican candidate speak.  They never mentioned jobs of manufacturing jobs.  They stayed on point talking points.  They are very well rehearsed and diversionary tactics.  This is something that they have been told by their party leaders, and when it comes to the news media whenever there is a Democratic candidate they attack him on the president's and the Democratic Congress accomplish even though these accomplishments has given more informed reaching aspects to a new economy that any of what the Republican candidates offering the news media continue to hammer the Democratic candidate and asked not about the Republican candidate, what his agenda will be when he is elected.  This is an unfair news media that has a right wing agenda that when one of its own news reporters speaks of his fears.  He is then fired from his job as a report .  The America that we all know is being censored by those among us who pray on our fears that divide us, religion, ethnic background, skin color the Republican Party uses all of these things.  It is their arsenal.petty , but effective because we allow ourselves to dwell on each other's negative America is seen around the world as a positive in any Third World nation.  You go to America is not fear its hope.  Americans have always brought hope why should we sit back and let the party that projects fear and social issues against us control how country economy and our military might, when you look at the American military today.  You see one of the most diverse militaries in modern history.  You see the poor, the middle class.  All ethnicities.  What is one thing you won't see.  I'll tell you the rich man's

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