Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Americans are being taken for a ride by mainstream media

The American public is being taken for granted by the major cable networks and their pundits the nightly sitcoms that we are witnessing are an elaborate smokescreen by all major networks and cable networks.  Rather than report the truth.  They engage in cynicism, scandalizing and downright lies about the Democratic Congress and their accomplishments.  We must remember that the news media have their own agendas.  Also, along with being some of the wealthiest people in the country.  Since the economy has taken a downturn, the major news corporations are the only industry that has continued to employ new personnel.  The president of this nation took office with two wars and a failing economy that were created by a Republican president and a Republican majority in the Congress.  But now the news networks are trying to convince the American public that this is a direct result of this president and the Democratic Congress.  No president or Congress can control the economy billions of dollars have to be spent on corporations who had been given a free pass to destroy the middle class jobs in this country to outsource a philosophy of business that was sold to corporations by a consulting company that we once knew as Arthur Andersen.  Anderson and many other consulting companies  adopted this philosophy of outsource not to create a better and larger workforce in America but to downsize.  The American workforce was devastated by this philosophy and where is Anderson today along with Enron and how many others.  The Democratic Congress is right to reform the American corporate behavior towards the very people that keep them in business to enact new regulations and to remove the incentive to take American manufacturing jobs offshore or outsourced.  And now the news media has tried to continue this form of philosophy by distorting the truth.  The philosophy of outsource was not clearly a good ideology.  If you take a way the manufacturing base and turn the economy into a service economy, with limited jobs.  You will have decreased the size of the consumers.  But now we all know that the major car corporations could not sell their products.  Because without the purchasing power of the consumers the manufacturing industry that remains in the country could not sustain in order for America to continue.  We must renew and effort to rebuild our manufacturing base with new innovations whether they are green jobs in solar or new technologies.  America must look inward.  The global markets as so many pundits talk about in the news media and the corporations have not been favorable to American manufacturing base.  Most nations in the global economy.  Put restrictions on American trade that has been part two of the devastation of manufacturing base our trade policies are not fair to us with most of our trading partners.  Due to the ineffectiveness of our negotiators and corporations.  They are unwilling to accept any change that would favor America interests.  They love our technologies and hope that we continue to falter in our manufacturing base while they protect their manufacturing base.  I wonder who is really looking out for the little guy.  Surely not the Republican Party in their major offshore contributors and their corporate friends.

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